
Dog, Jack Russell Sausage X
Portrait of Bruce, the dog

About Bruce

Year of birth: 2009
Small, cute and very busy rescue dog - loves a good game of fetch and would play with his tennis ball 24/7 if he could so we only allow it on walks (we ALWAYS take it off him when we get home or he will obsessively chew it into the carpet or sofa). We're not sure how well he was socialised as a pup so his approach with other dogs is sometimes a bit full on - he tries to jump up and this could scare the wrong dog so we approach carefully or not at all until he's happy (the tennis ball is key here as he will immediately focus on that and it has helped avoid many a confrontation)! He is also an escape artist and needs 100% attention - left to his own devices he'll find the smallest gap you didn't know existed in the fence and will be off!


House trained
Friendly with dogs
Friendly with kids
Friendly with adults

Owner of Bruce


See profile

Portrait of Jane