Wing Shan
Reliable Pet Sitter and Animal Lover
About Wing Shan
My Belief :
I believe that pets and animals are best friends of human and try to helping them having happy and healthy lives. I have been adopting cats and dogs since childhood and I always love animals and enthusiastic in helping pets and animal as I hope they could have happy and healthy life.
My Experience:
I have volunteer experience at different organisations which help me to enhance animal care standard to professional level.
1. I have more than 20 years experience of taking care of cats and dogs. Adopted and took care 3 adults cats and 1 dog since childhood.
2. I have volunteer working experience at RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and SAA (Society for Abandoned Animal) to take care and socialise with rabbits and cats including adult and baby cats; and to help cleaning the rabbit pens, cat bowls, toys and other utilities. These experiences help me to enhance pet care standards to professional standard.
3. I have volunteer experience at dog day care centre to take care and play with dogs.
My Schedule:
I am now devoting my time to animal care and I am having animal volunteer work 2-3 days per week, I will try very best to schedule pet sit bookings and volunteer works appropriately to make sure all rescue animals and pets have been taken care with love and care.
Wing Shan offers ...
At Wing Shan's home
At your home
One home visit a day
Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your petfrom £12 /day2x Home visit
Two drop-in visits for your petfrom £24 /dayCancellation Policy
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