Pet sitting is funnily enough a dream come true for me. I have had cats and loved animals my whole life and the feeling has always in my experience been very mutual. I've earned the nickname cat whisperer by my friends and family and for good reason. I can't see a cat be it in the street or at someone's house without insisting on going over and fussing it, much to the annoyance of anyone I'm with. Recently I went travelling and one of the highlights of my whole 4 month trip was the sheer amount of animals I saw and made friends with, which was every single animal I saw. As the photos of me with animals should show, anyone's pet who is looked after by me is going to be looked after as well as physically possible and will get plenty of love and attention rather than just being fed and watched. As much as I do not have any previous experience looking after cats this is only because I've only recently been told about people doing it through apps like this and as soon as I heard I knew I had to sign up because id probably look after pets for free to be perfectly honest so for money I will absolutely give 110% to looking after any animal.
I'm happy to look after pets in other peoples homes, overnight and only in the day whichever is preferred,and also in my own with enough notice. I will feed and properly give attention to pets and to any special needs that they may have.