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Nur Faden

Nurrfect Pet Sitting


Pawshake sitter since November 2023
10-20 years of experience
Lives with ...
Active in the Pawshake Community
1 recurring guest
2 times saved
Last active5 months ago
Usually respondswithin about 8 hours
Last contacted9 months ago
Last booked11 months ago

About Nur Faden

Hi dear pet owners,

I have 15 years experience in taking care cats and dogs. I have been an animal lover and activist since I was 17 years old. I had been a volunteer for some animal's shelters and charities. During this period, I took care of many cats and dogs that needed special care. Helping animals is my biggest passion in my life. I am a person who falls in love with their love.

I know you have concerns when you leave alone your best friends at home. I totally understand you because I am currently cats owner as well. When I go around anywhere, my mind always stays with them. So I can tell you that you are sure to take care of your best friend just like I do. I can visit your pets at your own house, I also welcome your cat in my home.

Moreover I am happy to take care with your pets in any time.. I am able to play, walk, feed and love them, give them any special treats or I can give them if they need some special things like medications. Let me know if your pets need specific care or anything, I can manage these things for them. Please don’t worry about it. Rest assured that I will take care of your friends in the best possible way.

Please consign me your cats in trustfully. Keep calm and have fun ;)

About my services

I am able to visit your pets at your home once or twice a day. I pet and play with your pets, clean their toilets-if you have a litter box for cats or the toilet training pads for dogs, wash their food bowls and renew them everyday. I also can give their medicines or tablets if they have any health issues. Moreover, I have experience in training with them so I can support them their trainings. Besides, I can walk with your dogs at their local area or safe areas in 30 mins.

Boarding services

I'd like to be happy to board your pets (only one cat or two siblings cats or one small dog at the same time) at my home. I have two indoor cats too, so I need to know your pet is neutered and vaccinated before. After all that when you drop off your pet to my house, I need to get them used to each other first. In my house, I have the extra large cat litter, automatic waterfall fountain and dry food feeder. I have also lots of cats' toys and treats as well. I can provide these things to specifically your cats.


• Strong attention to detail

• Life-long pet owner

• Confident

• Team player

• Trustworthy

• Organized

• Self-motivated

• Dog bathing

• Animal Lover

• Animal Lover Self-Starter

• Pet Care

• Personal Pet


- 2022-2023: Cat sitter

- 2009-2019: Animal shelter volunteer

- 2009- … : Animal right activist

Nur Faden offers ...

At Nur Faden's home

Doggy Day Care

Daytime care for your dog at the sitter's homefrom £12 /day, £5 /additional pet

At your home

Dog Walking

An experienced dog walker will pick up your dog from your home for a 30 min walkfrom £8 /walk, £5 /additional pet

One home visit a day

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your petfrom £14 /day

2x Home visit

Two drop-in visits for your petfrom £18 /day

House Sitting

A sitter stays overnight in your home and cares for your petfrom £32 /night

Cancellation Policy

Flexible Cancellation Policy
You will get a full refund if you cancel before 12:00pm one day before the booking.



About Nur Faden's home

The residence

Medium outdoor area

What people say about Nur Faden

Overall rating


More about Nur Faden

I speak ...


I have experience ...

10-20 years of experience
... with rescue pets
... as volunteer with animal welfare
... with behavioural problems
I am familiar with dog training techniques
I can administer injected medications
I can administer oral medications
I can offer emergency transport

Confirmed information

Email verified
SMS verified
Stripe verified
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