Spring is in the air….

Author picture Katy  - updated: 22/02/2017


With this lovely weather we have been having, looking after a pet is a great way to get active don’t you think?

Being a pet sitter or dog walker is so therapeutic and great for your health and well-being. Anyhow, how can you say no to that face when they give you that knowing look…. all the pet sitters and walkers out there know the look I mean! You know there is no rest for the wicked, so I say, embrace it!

I don’t know about you but before I started dog boarding I very rarely went on long walks (even though I live 5 minutes away from the beach!). But caring for a dog gives you a purpose and the perfect excuse to get out in the fresh air and get fit! You just feel so much better for it.

So with that thought, let’s just remind ourselves of a few things now that the seasons are changing in order to keep any pet in our care safe, healthy and happy.


  • Keeping your dog hydrated:


    Although we are not yet in the heat of the summer, on a particularly warm day please make sure any dog in your care has access to water at all times. A lot of places these days have access to a tap or leave a bowl of water but, just in case, having a ‘travel bottle’ for a dog is super handy. 



  • Have patience and let them play:


    Some dogs love to swim in the sea or get really muddy. They love nothing more than to wait until they are inches away from you to have a good shake and soak you….. don’t you just love that?! But, you know what, this is THEIR time. Put on your wellies and old clothes you don’t feel too precious about and enjoy yourself as much as they do. It will make your life easier by the end of the day as they will sleep better at night and so will you - win/win!!



  • Flea and tick prevention:


    It’s that time of year again. Get your flea treatment in early. Parasites love the warmer climate to breed from. So start it now and you should be flea and tick free by the summer! The most common one used is Advocate. Remember to spray all of your carpets too. I use one from the vets that is very good called: ‘Indorex Spray Birbac Animal Health.’ I have tried cheaper ones but they just don’t work as well so go to your local vets and ask them what they recommend.



  • Groups of people with FOOD:


    Oh yes, a small glimpse of sun and us British folk will be out down the beach or having a picnic before you know it! Even if the wind is blowing and we have to be wrapped up to our necks, that won’t stop us: we will still be out there hoping to turn our blue skin less blue because it’s been so many months since we’ve actually seen the sun!! Just keep a look out in the distance for anyone with food. Some people welcome furry friends but others won’t appreciate their pickled sandwich going missing just as they were about to take their second bite!



  • Windows in houses/flats:


    On a more serious note please be careful of any windows open especially upstairs. In this lovely weather it’s nice to let the fresh air in but you would not believe the gaps some dogs can get through. We had a springer/poodle stay with us that would shoot in and out the cat flap. You would have thought there was no way on earth she would fit through there but she did!! The same goes for leaving doors open. We wouldn’t want them to escape or hurt themselves.


  • Spring cleaning:


    Spring is that time of year when people start to feel more productive and get the cleaning gloves on! Oh yes, I know that feeling…. As soon as the sun is out you get the tunes on…… a bit of Ed Sheeran gets thrown into the mix…… and you’re away….dusting and spraying everything in sight! Just please remember to keep all cleaning products out of harm’s way. A young dog will often chew anything and if enough of a product has been swallowed it can be fatal.



  • Plants:


    There are in fact some common types of house and garden plants/shrubs that are poisonous to dogs if you didn’t already know. Here is a list of a few of them to bring to your attention:



    Aloe Vera






    Tomato plant


    Obviously please do your own research if there are any plants in the garden you are unsure about. It’s usually the bulbs that are the worst if dug up and swallowed. Some of these just cause milder reactions. But reactions can be: vomiting, skin irritations, ulcers, burning, and even seizures in severe case  

  • Gardening:


    Please also leave any garden tools out of harm’s way. Certain sharp objects could damage a dog’s paw or if they were able to swallow something they could be left in a lot of pain, sometimes an operation is needed and serious consequences can occur. So please take great care with what you leave around.  Please also read the information on any feed or chemicals you use for your lawn whilst your dogs are walking around on it. 



    Most of all, have fun! Make your little visitor's stay a happy one. Remember, dogs are very sensitive and they pick up on humans emotions. Try to have patience and understand each pet in your care as an individual. Cater to their needs and give them the love they deserve. You will have one happy pooch and in turn you will be left feeling like one happy pet sitter! Owners of pets know their pet so well and they can always tell when they’ve had a nice time. I’ve had some owners disappointed that their pets don’t want to go home straight away when they come to pick them up, they want to stay a bit longer for their holidays! If the owner is happy make sure to ask them to leave you a review. This helps boost your profile and will show other pet owners that you can be trusted and are reliable. Then, hopefully, you will have the opportunity to look after many more furry friends and enjoy this beautiful weather with them.