
Help! How do I stop my dog from jumping on visitors?

Bouncing up to give you a big sloppy kiss is one of the most common challenges for any dog owner. You want to give a good impression to friends and family, as well as the pet sitter popping over for a meet and greet….so what do you do when your big adult dog leaps up in guest’s faces?
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Help! How do I stop my dog from jumping on visitors?

What to do when a cat won't use their litter tray

The litter tray habits of our feline friends might seem strange, even mysterious - but a little understanding and care can go a long way to preventing even the smelliest problems!
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What to do when a cat won't use their litter tray

Newcastle cat cafe helps find loving homes for rescue cats!

Cat cafes are popping up all over the UK, giving cat lovers a purrfect way to relax and have some cuddle time with their furry friends. The Catpawcino cafe on Newcastle’s Quayside is doing something extra special...
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Newcastle cat cafe helps find loving homes for rescue cats!

Your dog's tongue - a window into their health

Did you know that your dog’s tongue is not just for giving us kisses….it’s also a window into their health? Here’s how to get to know and interpret your pup’s tongue!
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Your dog's tongue - a window into their health

Alabama Rot - What dog owners need to know

As dog owners it’s vital to be armed with knowledge about this worrying disease, what to look out for and what to do if you’re concerned.
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Alabama Rot - What dog owners need to know

Dogs in Hot Cars – Don’t Risk It!

Warmer days are finally sneaking in - bliss! But it's super important to be mindful of your pets when driving and parking. Here are some helpful tips to raise awareness and prevent incidents of dogs getting locked in cars on hot days.
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Dogs in Hot Cars – Don’t Risk It!

Getting an uncooperative cat into a carrier

Does your cat simply hate it when you pull out the carrier to go to the vet or a pet sitter’s house? Our guide will help you ease your cat into their carrier - with minimal scratches for you!
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Getting an uncooperative cat into a carrier

Common Meet and Greet mistakes to avoid

The number one secret to a successful booking on Pawshake is a thorough meet and greet – but there are some common mistakes that are worth avoiding!
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Common Meet and Greet mistakes to avoid

Dog-friendly dining in Manchester

All we’re dreaming about is Sunday lunch or brunch in a local pub or coffee in a cosy cafe....and the good news is your pooch needn’t stay at home and miss out on the fun!
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Dog-friendly dining in Manchester

Spring clean your profile!

Summer isn't far away, and with it comes peak petsitting period, where all sorts of people are turning to Pawshake to find the perfect companion for their furry friends while they’re away. We've put together a few tips to get your Pawshake profile in excellent condition so that it is a sure stand-out
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Spring clean your profile!

Ten tasty human foods your pet can enjoy

Easter is just around the corner, which means plenty of edible treats for us humans! We all know we need to keep the chocolate well out of reach of our furry friends, but there are still plenty of human foods that your cat or dog can enjoy as an occasional treat.
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Ten tasty human foods your pet can enjoy

Back to School Blues

Kids back at school this week? Spare a thought for the furry children in your home, as even pets suffer from the back-to-school blues!
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Back to School Blues

What to do if a dog charges at you

This week we have a chat with our Community Manager and super-experienced pet-sitter Sam about what to do in the event of a dog charging at you.
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What to do if a dog charges at you

Puppy Proofing Your Home

Do you have a bundle of fluff coming into your home anytime soon? We chat with super-star Pawshake pet sitter Concetta about her experience adopting a puppy - she gives us her top 5 tips to make the transition a smooth one!
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Puppy Proofing Your Home

Dealing With Separation Anxiety in Pets

This is one of the bigger challenges facing pet owners and pet sitters alike. Do you know a dog or cat suffering from separation anxiety? Read on for some simple solutions to make your pet's life (and yours!) a lot easier!
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Dealing With Separation Anxiety in Pets

High tea with fancy felines at Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium!

This week we had the pleasure of chatting to Lauren from Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium, a beautiful cat-cafe right in the heart of London. Check out these snaps of the resident cats!
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High tea with fancy felines at Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium!

Best Dog Walks in London

Here are some of our favourite local spots to walk your dog around our beautiful capital of London! Read on, Pawshake dog walkers...
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Best Dog Walks in London

12 Pets Who Want You To Be Their Valentine...

For Valentines Day, we're celebrating the love of our faithful furry friends. We promise these 12 cuties from our Wall of Paws will melt your heart with their head-tilts and love-eyes. Squee!
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12 Pets Who Want You To Be Their Valentine...

5 ways to celebrate Lunar New Year with your pet!

This Lunar Year of the Rooster, why not start off on a positive note and freshen up your life and home with your pet by your side? Here are five pet-friendly ways to celebrate the New Year.
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5 ways to celebrate Lunar New Year with your pet!

Play away the Winter Blues!

Jessica's cold out there! Time to hibernate - we're thinking lazy cuddles in front of the fire and sleep-ins on the weekend. BUT the weather can also make it a little harder to get out and active... Good news is, you can beat the winter lethargy blues with help from your pet - and both of you will benefit!
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Play away the Winter Blues!

How do cats display affection?

Do you understand what your cat is trying to tell you? Your little furball might be somewhat headstrong, but he's likely as fond of you as you are of him! Below are 5 ways he'll tell you just how much he cares.
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How do cats display affection?

Your newly adopted pet: how to give him a thoroughly warm welcome

Adopting a cat or dog is a truly rewarding experience. And the day you finally get to take your furry friend home with you marks the beginning of your mutual journey. Yet those first few days can be fraught with tension. Planning to adopt a cat or dog? Ensure that you're thoroughly prepared for your big day with our helpful tips below!
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Your newly adopted pet: how to give him a thoroughly warm welcome

How to walk a cat (and why)

Walking your dog is the most natural thing in the world. Yet, you rarely see anyone with a cat on a lead. Walking your cat might not be a 'walk in the park', but it's certainly feasible in some cases. Fancy giving it a go? Then follow our helpful 3-step plan below.
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How to walk a cat (and why)

How to prevent stress for you and your pet

That pets reduce stress, and make us happy and healthy, we already know. So, it's hardly surprising that so many of us have a furry friend of our own or enjoy looking after those of friends and neighbours. But did you know that those feelings of bliss can rapidly transform into stress? Prevent burn-out from affecting you and your pets with our useful tips for pet owners and pet sitters.
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How to prevent stress for you and your pet

Would you entrust your pet to a stranger?

Imagine: you suddenly have an unexpected work commitment or the possibility of a last-minute weekend getaway. You have to find a suitable solution for your cat or dog, and sharpish. Would you hand over your beloved pet to a complete stranger? Of course not!
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Would you entrust your pet to a stranger?

Tips for camping with your dog

Many animal lovers enjoy a holiday in the great outdoors; camping in beautiful surroundings. Of course, it's a lot more fun if you can bring your dog along with you. But what should you keep in mind if you decide to share your tent or caravan with your faithful friend? 5 Tips for a successful camping trip with your dog!
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Tips for camping with your dog

What you need to know about dog poo

Up until the 1990's it was public gripe number one: dog poo on the pavement. Those were the days! Since the introduction of tougher laws, however, most responsible dog owners now clean up after their four legged friends. But scooping up your dog's poop is actually more beneficial than you might think. Indeed, your pooch's poo reveals a great deal about his current state of health. So, time to overcome your reservations, grab a bag and start studying the brown stuff!
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What you need to know about dog poo